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Your stories are important to us and to the community. When life is great, or when life is tough, all experiences are an opportunity to share who you are and to connect with other people. By sharing our stories, we can celebrate where we are today, where we’ve come from, and inspire other people to do the same.

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August Family Forum highlights – Supports in the home

19 September 2020

Back by popular demand, our recent Family Focus Forum shone a spotlight on disability supports in the home with speakers from OC Connections and the Summer Foundation. OC Connections wishes to thank Penny Stevenson and the Summer Foundation for sharing their knowledge and insights with OC Connections families. The foundation’s vision is to enable people […]

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Volunteering with cats

18 September 2020

Di (picture below) loves animals! In May this year she expressed an interest in volunteering at an animal shelter to make connections in her local community and satisfy her love of cats.With the support of Carl Klimek (OC Connections) and the Australian Animal Protection Society (AAPS), Di now volunteers every Monday at the Dandenong South […]

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Blankets for Mums and bubs

18 September 2020

A huge shout out to our supported employee Joanne who donated 20 hand-made blankets to the St Kilda Mums charity, ensuring a warmer winter for babies in need. Joanne works at OC Connections Enterprises and buys wool from Savers and op-shops in her spare time. Joanne loves to sit and knit while she’s watching the […]

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Lights, camera, action!

18 September 2020

Last month the OC Connections Enterprises (OCCE) Car Wash team were invited to be featured in a video produced by VicRoads to support their new Social Procurement Strategy. The video focuses on VicRoads’ new partnership with OCCE and highlights the benefits of using OCCE’s car wash service. The film crew from VicRoads directed the team […]

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Congratulations Graduates

18 September 2020

Congratulations to all five participants who graduated from the Certificate I in Work Education this June. Bradley, Artishna, Brienna, Ariane and Zane, were presented with their Certificates by training provider Moe Life Skills in celebration of their achievements. Certificate I training involves participants undertaking a course one day per week developing the skills and confidence […]

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Preparing for your NDIS Review

18 September 2020

As you may know, the NDIS will review your Plan every 12 or 24 months, or earlier if there is a significant change in your circumstances and you have made a request for a review. OC Connections is committed to helping you ensure that you are ready for your next review meeting. At our recent […]

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At the footy show

17 September 2020

OC Connections participants, Roger and Tim, were thrilled to be part of the last week of the Channel 9 Footy Show recordings on Anzac Day. Best of buddies and true gentlemen, the two share a common passion for Footy. Tim barracks for the Bombers, Roger goes for the Hawks but they never let the difference […]

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Good for Footy

17 September 2020

Waverley Toyota and the Mazenod Panthers Football Club were proud to put on their annual “Good For Footy” clinic and exhibition match Wednesday 15 May at Central Reserve, Glen Waverley. The exciting event included an appearance from AFL St Kilda midfielder Luke Dunstan, Clare O’Neil MP, Member for Hotham and Matt Fregon MP, Member for […]

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Dinner Dance 2019

15 September 2020

The 200 plus guests were greeted by an explosion of colours at Merrimu Receptions in Murrumbeena Friday, May 3. Participants and staff got into the spirit and dressed in the rainbow theme, with many enthusiastic guests preparing what they were going to wear weeks prior to the event. Hundreds of multi-coloured balloons and party lighting […]

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