Category: OCC Story – My Days


26 May 2024

Team Leaders in Day Support have been trying out new, adaptable ways of increasing participant engagement in our recreational and educational programs. People living with disabilities have varying communication and information-processing needs, so our Disability Support Workers and Disability Educators implement flexible learning strategies to reach the many different participants at OC Connections. Disability Educators […]

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19 September 2023

The OC Art Space provides a welcoming, encouraging environment for participants to learn creative forms of self-expression. Living with intellectual and developmental disabilities can feel isolating, especially when your natural type of communication isn’t widely understood. That’s why support staff Renate, Rose, Michelle and Val have worked to build a strong foundation at OC Connections […]

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How art can change your world: Emma and Joey’s Story

1 March 2023

When entering the art room at OC Connections, there is always a buzz of creativity, pride and confidence in the air from people who have chosen to express themselves through their art. It is wonderful to see participants engage with their peers, work on personal creative projects, and develop important life skills through their art. […]

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Bocce team brings home the medals

26 October 2022

Congratulations to OC Connections’ participants Craig, Darren and Damian who came home from the National Special Olympics with an array of golf, silver and bronze medals from their Bocce events. The men travelled by plane to Launceston for the five-day competition with the support of a support worker. They were very excited and happy that […]

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Five, six, seven, eight.

27 September 2022

Dance is an activity for all to enjoy, whether it’s moving to the beat or just listening to the music. This activity allows for self-expression and creativity through the music, while learning new ways to move, practice listening and following direction. It’s also a great social interaction for those who take part.     Dance class is […]

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Coffee catch ups

27 September 2022

With the gradual easing of COVID-19 restrictions, it has been wonderful to see a return to in-community activities for OC Connections’ day support participants.    Activities such as Explore Melbourne; Shop, Cook and Learn; Parks and Gardens; and Coffee Catch up see participants head out and enjoy the sights and experiences Melbourne has to offer.  Supported […]

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A person sits at a table working on a mosaic of a dog. The photograph of hte black dog sits on the table next to the mosaic

Mandy’s mosaic keeps her connected to family

30 August 2022

We are always pleasantly surprised by the work OC Connections’ artists produce in their art classes. Supported by staff and guided by the passionate leader Val, participants have produced some amazing works of art over the years. When we visited recently, Mandy was producing a mosaic of her brother’s dog Maggie from a picture her […]

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A young person sits in front of a class, looking into the camera

Benjamin takes pride in his health and safety role

30 August 2022

Day Support participant Benjamin is passionate about contributing to OC Connections’ growth and continuous improvement as a disability provider.  He is a representative on the Participant Reference Group, Day Support Participant Group and provides participant feedback on the OC Connections Health and Safety Committee. He has also, in the past, been a member of the […]

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Going for gold at the Special Olympics.

23 June 2022

Congratulations to OC Connections Day Support participants Darren, Craig and Damien who have been invited to represent the Victorian Bocce team at the Special Olympics in Launceston, Tasmania this year. Darren, Damien, and Craig all started with the Bocce team back in 2019 and the other team members welcomed them with open arms. They joined […]

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