Category: Accessibility


12 June 2024

Many people living with disabilities integrate communication tools into their lives. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is important for people with communication difficulties – these systems and tools provide avenues to share thoughts, feelings and needs in real time. What is AAC? To augment is to add or supplement something to your speech, such as […]

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Taryn’s Big Move into SDA

21 May 2024

In April, a regular participant of our Short Term Accommodation made the huge move into her very own home. Taryn, or Taz as her family and friends call her, spent several years utilising our short term accommodation space, learning how to live independently and developing household skills such as cooking and cleaning. With the encouragement […]

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23 April 2024

What is Down Syndrome? People with Down Syndrome have always existed, with the first historical case discovered over 5000 years ago. In the 19th century the genetic disorder was named, and soon afterwards, the medical cause of the condition was uncovered; an extra chromosome on the 21st pair. Nowadays, Down Syndrome is widely known and […]

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3 April 2024

Adrian, a Supported Employee at OC Connections Enterprises, has recently achieved his long-term goal! With the encouragement of his sister, Support Coordinator, and carers in his Specialist Disability Accommodation, Adrian booked an amazing trip to Illawarra. The holiday program, facilitated by Clubmates, included an incredible opportunity to ride in a helicopter and visit the largest […]

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Neurodiverse Employment: What does it look like?

12 February 2024

For this blog, we will be using “neurodiversity” to describe: – autism– ADHD– intellectual and developmental disorders– Downs Syndrome– and psychiatric disorders Employment is an important part of people’s lives. You get paid for your work, you contribute to the community, and you can make friends. People living with disabilities face barriers to employment, but […]

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Climate Action & Social Enterprise: The Circular Economy Model

22 January 2024

Although the reality of our declining environment has been known for many years, strong governmental, global action has only recently been pushed to urgency. As politicians debated whether climate change was real, local enterprises and grassroots organisations started looking for fresh opportunities to support their communities by reducing landfill and pollution. Grassroots organisations and social […]

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Neurodiversity, Gender, and the Future of Autistic Healthcare

20 January 2024

An estimated 80% of autistic women are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Women and girls seeking autism diagnoses are speaking up and advocating for appropriate support. They’re re-writing what autism means to build a more inclusive, diverse community. Our understanding of autism and how it differs from person to person is growing, and the healthcare system needs […]

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SASI Art Show

17 November 2023

The opening night of the SASI Art Show was a heartwarming, resounding success. Staff from across OC Connections came to support our participants in exhibiting their beautiful works of art to the community, including OC’s CEO Therese Desmond. I can only urge you to take a drive to Cube 37 in Frankston and see the […]

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20 September 2023

The Australian Government will soon review the recommendations of the Disability Royal Commission, including employment services and opportunities for people living with disability. Around 16,000 people living with disabilities work as Supported Employees across Australia. Working in Supported Employment makes a significant difference in the lives of people with disability – engaging in work helps […]

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