
Your stories are important to us and to the community. When life is great, or when life is tough, all experiences are an opportunity to share who you are and to connect with other people. By sharing our stories, we can celebrate where we are today, where we’ve come from, and inspire other people to do the same.

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Laura goes extra mile with special event for residents

19 August 2021

Laura Champion, Administration Support Officer at OC Connections has gone above and beyond her day-to-day role at OC Connections. In her own time, Laura developed a fun online music quiz for OC Connections residents. With the support of staff, each of the houses eagerly logged on to join in. Using the online quiz platform, Kahoot! […]

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Melbourne in lockdown until 11:59pm 2 September. 9pm curfew is now in place.

16 August 2021

The Victorian Government has extended the current Melbourne lockdown until 11:59pm on Thursday 2 September and instituted a 9pm curfew. This means that for Melbourne, there will still be only five reasons to leave home: shopping for food and supplies authorised work and study (with permit) care and caregiving exercise getting vaccinated. View the Table of […]

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Vlada receives her COVID-19 vaccination

4 August 2021

Community Living resident and Day Support participant, Vlada, received her Pfizer vaccine last week through Aspen Medical. Vlada was very proud of this achievement and asked that it be shared to show how brave she was. This was Vlada’s fourth attempt at receiving the vaccine and it was finally successful! Well done Vlada. Vlada’s support […]

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female standing in front of award banner

Hannah Isles receives Allen James Award

22 July 2021

Congratulations Hannah Isles, Towards Employment Facilitator at OC Connections Enterprises (OCCE), for receiving Rotary’s Allen James Award at the Annual Rotary Changeover Dinner on Monday 5 July. In recognition of her work, Hannah received a vocational scholarship to pursue her education and training in the disability field. The scholarship will help fund her current study […]

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Vassie’s enterprising approach pays off

22 July 2021

OC Connections’ Support Coordination participant, Vassie, has been enjoying her new job with The Information Access Group as a Document Tester.   She started in the role in December 2020 after finding out about it through our Support Coordination team. Together with her colleague Lucky, Vassie provides thoughtful and considered feedback on client content to […]

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Promoting good life stories of people with disability

22 July 2021

The Belonging Matters Podcast focuses on the good life for people with disabilities, with real life stories from people with disabilities and their families, as well as professionals and advocates. With 17 episodes to date, the podcasts explore bias, inclusion, community, developmental potential, social roles and belonging, with more promised to come.

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12-month automatic plan extensions – still in place

21 July 2021

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the NDIS changed what happens when a plan reaches its end date. If your plan reaches its end date and your new plan hasn’t been finalised yet, your current plan will be automatically extended for up to 12 months. This means that your current funding will automatically continue for up to […]

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COVID-19 vaccines for people with disability

13 July 2021

People with disability and disability workers are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. With Some people with disability at greater risk of becoming very sick if they catch COVID-19, getting vaccinated is very important. OC Connections strongly encourages all employees, participants and their families to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine. People with disability who are eligible […]

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Six coronavirus particles are floating in mid air. A hand signalling a stop sign is in front of the particles.

COVID-19 information for people with disability

13 July 2021

It is important that we take precautions to protect some of our most vulnerable people in the community. Some people with disability will be at greater risk of more serious illness if infected by coronavirus.  To assist in protecting people with disability from the risks of COVID-19, there is information and advice available on the […]

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