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In our last blog post, OC Connection employment and enterprise arm, OCC Enterprises (OCCE) announced the launch of their OC Eco T-Top Bollards®

This month we are excited to share that in collaboration with Social Traders, an event was held on behalf of OCCE OC T-Top Bollards for their industry-wide launch. This event was a fantastic milestone as industry experts from government departments, traffic management companies and construction companies came together to witness and celebrate the success of the OC T-Top Bollards® project.

Social Traders, collectively with OCC Enterprises, also commemorated the cohesion that this project  across several social enterprises across Victoria. This project would not have been possible  without the contribution and partnerships of Latrobe Valley Enterprises, Wallara and Ability Works.  

Since the event OCC Enterprises has had multiple orders confirmed and some orders have doubled from previous clients. OCCE has also had increased interest of site visits to the warehouse to showcase sample bollards for potential new projects.

We are hoping to have OC Eco T-Top Bollards® on live project sites by early 2023 and our team of supported employees are working hard to ensure deadlines are met.

OCCE would like to thank everyone who has been involved in the development of this Australian First – a quality circular economy product.

OC Eco T-Top Bollards® at the Social Traders event

6 December 2022

In our last blog post, OC Connection employment and enterprise arm, OCC Enterprises (OCCE) announced the launch of their OC Eco T-Top Bollards® This month we are excited to share that in collaboration with Social Traders, an event was held on behalf of OCCE OC T-Top Bollards for their industry-wide launch. This event was a […]

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Christmas Closure

6 December 2022

With the holiday season fast approaching, here are some key dates to put into your diary. Some OC Connections services will be closed from Friday 23 December 2022 until Monday 9 January 2023. Below you can find more information has to how this may effect the different areas of OC Connections. Reception / Admin Team Reception […]

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Work of art

6 December 2022

Earlier this month the SASI Art Show & Competition showcased some of OC Connections participants’ artwork at the Frankston Art Centre. This was a creative exhibition of contemporary art to celebrate the outstanding artwork of people with autism and other disabilities. With the encouragement, support and guidance of Val Rowe, OC Connections Disability Educator, 12 […]

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Vale Rosemary

6 December 2022

It is with a heavy heart that we share the passing of long-time resident and OC Connections participant Rosemary. Rosemary passed away earlier in 2022 after more than 35 years of attending the OC Connections Day Support program. In November, Rosemary’s friends, housemates and OC Connections Support Workers, organised a COVID-safe lunch at a local […]

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Getting out and about on Brikes

6 December 2022

OC Connections participants and staff had the opportunity to test out a new bike initiative, The Brike Project. Social Enterprise Brite has brought to market the Brike e-bikes, specifically designed for people living with disability and their families. The Brikes allow people on wheelchairs to experience the joy of being on a bike, with assistance […]

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Planting Trees for the Queen’s 70th Jubilee Program – Grant

6 December 2022

OC Connections was invited earlier this year, by the Federal Member for Hotham, The Hon. Clare O’Neil MP, to apply for a tree planting grant that was established by the Commonwealth Government of Australia in recognition of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II’s 70th Jubilee. This project received funding from the Australian Government’s Planting Trees for […]

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Where to purchase your tree this year

23 November 2022

With Christmas just around the corner, this year’s festive season brings with it much hope and opportunity to reconnect with family, friends and the community.  Buying a tree from our Christmas Tree Fundraiser is an annual tradition for many families, including staff and participants as well as an important fundraising opportunity for OC Connections. OC Connections […]

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OC Connections 72nd Annual General Meeting

30 October 2022

The 72nd Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday 26 October at The Metropolitan Golf Club. This was the first on site AGM since 2019 where staff, participants, members and partners were able to meet in person. The meeting was a chance to reflect on the past year’s achievements, challenges and resilience of staff and […]

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Baristas in training

30 October 2022

The OCC Enterprises Towards Employment team attended the Melbourne Coffee Academy to learn the skills of a barista. This is all part of their journey in exploring and experiencing a variety of occupations and industries, with the aim to find one that suits them. Check out the video for some highlights from the day:

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