
Your stories are important to us and to the community. When life is great, or when life is tough, all experiences are an opportunity to share who you are and to connect with other people. By sharing our stories, we can celebrate where we are today, where we’ve come from, and inspire other people to do the same.

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Thanks to our Volunteers

7 September 2020

Celebrating and recognising the value of our volunteers is essential to OC Connections. These much-valued people who give so generously of their time are vital to the difference we can make to the lives so many of our clients with disabilities. From working in our opportunity shops, assisting with our Christmas Tree Festival or supporting […]

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Let’s hear it for the girls

5 September 2020

It seems the influence of the AFLW and the continual growth of female football teams in local competitions has encouraged some of OCC participants to take part in the sport. OCC participant, Linda, and OCCE supported employee, Stephanie, have laced up their boots to join the Mazenod Panthers all-abilities football team this year. They join […]

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An empowering partnership

4 September 2020

OC Connections participant Carolyn and her support worker Nicole have formed a strong connection over the past few months through shared interests and hobbies. Both Carolyn and Nicole share a love for the arts and natural therapies. This has enabled Carolyn to spend more time doing the things she loves. Carolyn has enjoyed broadening her […]

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Shining a spotlight on guardianship and administration

4 September 2020

All adults have the right to make their own decisions. However, there are some instances where a person is unable to make reasonable judgements because of their disability. At these times others may need to make decisions on their behalf. But who has the right to make these decisions? What legal measures are required to […]

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Toot Art Exhibition

3 September 2020

Six of our artists showcased their work at Toot Artspace in St Kilda for two weeks at the end of February. Fred, Kathleen, Vlada, Peter, Joey and Craig joined creative forces for the OCC Group Art Exhibition.  The opening of the event was held on Thursday 21 February and was attended by family, friends and […]

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Community recognition for Kathy

1 September 2020

Congratulations to OC Connections Community Living participant, Kathy, who was awarded a 2018 social housing volunteer award on Wednesday 27 February this year. Kathy received the Frances Penington Award in recognition of her outstanding voluntary contribution to her local community.  These awards publicly acknowledge an individual tenant or a group of tenants who contribute positively […]

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Felix’s One-Man Art Show

1 September 2020

Congratulations to Felix who organised a one-man art show at his residence in Ashwood on 2 December. Felix could not have done this without the support and planning of his support workers and fellow residents who showed their support for Felix by attending and sharing their dining room space for a complete take-over of the […]

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Art Success

1 September 2020

OC Connections’ artists, Craig and Anna, were awarded the top two prizes at the annual SASI Art Exhibition held in September. Into its sixth year, the SASI Art Show aims to provide a platform for collaboration and inclusion, welcoming all people with a disability to exhibit. This is the second year OC Connections’ participants have […]

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The Metropolitan – helping our participants achieve

29 August 2020

OC Connections were honoured once again to receive a donation from The Metropolitan Golf Club women members.  Each year, these amazing women donate proceeds to OC Connections raised through the sale of baked goods, jams, jellies and handmade crafts. The significant donation assists us in running our annual Golf Day. Profits of our Golf Day […]

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