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Your stories are important to us and to the community. When life is great, or when life is tough, all experiences are an opportunity to share who you are and to connect with other people. By sharing our stories, we can celebrate where we are today, where we’ve come from, and inspire other people to do the same.

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Felix’s One-Man Art Show

1 September 2020

Congratulations to Felix who organised a one-man art show at his residence in Ashwood on 2 December. Felix could not have done this without the support and planning of his support workers and fellow residents who showed their support for Felix by attending and sharing their dining room space for a complete take-over of the […]

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Art Success

1 September 2020

OC Connections’ artists, Craig and Anna, were awarded the top two prizes at the annual SASI Art Exhibition held in September. Into its sixth year, the SASI Art Show aims to provide a platform for collaboration and inclusion, welcoming all people with a disability to exhibit. This is the second year OC Connections’ participants have […]

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The Metropolitan – helping our participants achieve

29 August 2020

OC Connections were honoured once again to receive a donation from The Metropolitan Golf Club women members.  Each year, these amazing women donate proceeds to OC Connections raised through the sale of baked goods, jams, jellies and handmade crafts. The significant donation assists us in running our annual Golf Day. Profits of our Golf Day […]

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Big goals, small steps

28 August 2020

Short term accommodation (previously known as respite care) can support people with a disability and their primary carer to maintain a positive relationship by providing time for both to experience new things.  OC Connections offers short term accommodation options for people aged eighteen years and over and aims to provide new experiences and new conversations […]

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Certificate I in Transition Education Graduation

27 August 2020

Congratulations to our seven participants who graduated from the Certificate I in Transition Education in July.  Brienna, Bradley, Artishna, Ariane, Zane, Shirley, Mohammad and David were presented with their Certificates by training provider Moe Life Skills in celebration of their achievements. The Certificate I training involves participants undertaking one day per week developing the skills […]

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Bowling Fun

25 August 2020

OC Connections Day Support Program provides a multitude of activities for participants to take part in throughout the year.  The aim of the program is to assist our participants to develop life skills, confidence, social skills, team work, independence as well as extend their knowledge in new ways. Lawn bowls at the Mount Waverley Bowling […]

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Craft for a Cause

24 August 2020

Sewing is a favourite past time for many people.  It is one of many activities available to day support participants at OC Connections.  Margaret, Neil Pauline  (pictured above) and Susan have been taking part in our Tuesday sewing group run by day support worker, Roberta. Sewing projects usually include heat packs which have a simple […]

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Gardening with Richard

19 August 2020

Richard is an avid gardener who spends a lot of gardening time nurturing the flowers and vegetable patches he has helped grow at his home in East Hampton. Richard takes a great pride in the gardens around the house and ensures they are watered and cared for regularly. His daily routine includes watering the gardens […]

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Certificate 1 Graduates

18 August 2020

OC Connections, in partnership with Go Work Skills, is extremely proud to congratulate the recent graduates of the Certificate One Training Course in Literacy. A graduation celebration held in December at OC Connections Enterprises, was well received by all who attended. All 11 participants were brimming with pride at their achievements and expressed how excited […]

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