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metropolitan golf club 25th Charity golf day sunday 27th June 2021

OC Connections Charity Golf Day – 27 June, 2021

15 April 2021

OC Connections is excited to once again hold its Charity Golf Day at The Metropolitan Golf Club. Registrations are now open. Please join us for a fun day at one of Melbourne’s most prestigious golf courses while helping to raise much needed funds for the people we support. 18 hole par play Lunch and refreshments […]

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Phase 1a and 1b rollout information

9 April 2021

As you may be aware, the rollout of the COVID Vaccine has been planned to occur in phases to ensure Australia’s most vulnerable receive priority attention. As part of this plan, people and staff living in disability services accommodation that house more than one person were to receive the Vaccine as part of Phase 1a […]

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ATAGI recommends COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine over the AstraZeneca vaccine for adults aged under 50 years.

8 April 2021

As of 8 April 2021, the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has recommended the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine is preferred over the AstraZeneca vaccine for adults aged under 50 years. ATAGI has considered the latest vaccination findings out of Europe and the UK – which follow extremely rare instances of people, having taken the AstraZeneca vaccine, developing […]

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Young women on OC Connections day support activity with toy dinosaur behind her at the Melbourne Museum

Participants hit the ground running in 2021!

23 March 2021

After such a challenging 2020, it’s lovely to see participants and staff so excited and engaged with the extensive range of activities that form the Day Support program at OC Connections (OCC).  We recently chatted with Jasmine (Jazzy) Howlett, a Support Worker at OCC who is passionate about engaging participants in new and challenging activities. […]

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Building development update

23 March 2021

OC Connections (OCC) has embarked on a very exciting project to review and improve the quality of our homes and make them more comfortable for residents.  All homes where OC Connections provides Supported Independent Living (SIL) will be inspected in the coming weeks and months, and a plan will be developed to upgrade any homes […]

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Kathleen & Rodney Embracing & Smiling At Their Commitement Ceremony Event

Congratulations Kathleen and Rodney!

23 March 2021

We are so excited to congratulate Kathleen and Rodney on their recent Commitment Ceremony. Originally planned to be held in February 2020, their special event had to be postponed three times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, on 28 February 2021, family and friends, including some fellow residents, participants and staff from OCC, gathered at […]

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COVID Vaccine Rollout Update for OCC residents

17 March 2021

While we do not have exact dates for when the vaccine will be rolled out to our residents and staff, we expect a confirmation for the first phase rollout dates to come soon.  We will continue to provide information regarding next steps as it comes to hand.  In the meantime, preparations are underway for when […]

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COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

26 February 2021

We are excited that we are one step closer to ensuring the safety of our staff and participants with the Government’s announcement to roll out the Pfizer COVID vaccine from Monday 22 February to top-tier priority groups across Australia. We understand that of the 80,000 doses being released, 30,000 will be made available to aged […]

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A return to a COVID-Safe Summer

26 February 2021

As we celebrate Victoria’s return to a COVID-safe Summer after The Premier’s announcement today, we would like to remind everyone that there are still restrictions in place to ensure everyone’s health and safety.  You can read the guidelines here. As a disability service provider, supporting some of Victoria’s most vulnerable people, OC Connections will continue […]

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