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Your stories are important to us and to the community. When life is great, or when life is tough, all experiences are an opportunity to share who you are and to connect with other people. By sharing our stories, we can celebrate where we are today, where we’ve come from, and inspire other people to do the same.

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A person wearing a face guard and mask stares into the camera. To the left is a blurred image of a person wearing PPE in the background.

COVIDs current impact on OC Connections

1 February 2022

This year has not started as we had hoped.  The rapid spread of the COVID Omicron variant has been dramatic and has impacted the community significantly. Over these past few weeks our residential homes, day support and OCCE operations have experienced a number of positive tests from staff and participants. This has resulted in a […]

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Three ladies stand together in a garden, holding a cheque.

Support for our housing project from The Metropolitan Golf Club

1 February 2022

The Metropolitan Golf Club is a long term supporter of OC Connections. For many years, the club and its members have provided the course for our Annual Charity Golf Day and raised funds throughout the year to contribute to our programs and projects. We are continually grateful for this support, as it not only affords […]

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OC Connections housing development update

1 February 2022

Early last year, we announced a new housing project to review and improve the quality of our homes and make them more comfortable for residents. With the impacts of COVID and continued restrictions and lockdowns, some of this work was delayed. However, we are pleased to report that the project has started to move significantly, with […]

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COVID-19 vaccine, Novavax, to be available to Australians aged 18 years and over

27 January 2022

Novavax COVID-19 vaccine, also known as Nuvaxovid (Biocelect Pty Ltd/Novavax Inc) has been provisionally approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for use in a primary course of vaccination in people aged 18 years and older. The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has recommended the Novavax vaccine be given in two doses, at […]

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Have your say on disability employment services in Australia

27 January 2022

The Australian Government is designing the new disability employment support program and wants to hear from people with disability, their families and carers, and employers to make sure the program can help more people with disability find and maintain employment.Submissions have been extended until 1 February 2022. You can read the consultation paper and share […]

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Greg, Colin and Richard connect with the lawn bowls community

23 January 2022

Participants Greg, Colin and Richard are long time lawn bowls enthusiasts. Since their return to onsite support in November, the three of them have been practising their skills at the South Oakleigh Bowling Club. The bowling club is the site of one of our Day Support hubs, which assists OC Connections continue to provide on […]

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An entry ticket will the word Free sits on a white background

Free events for unpaid carers

23 January 2022

Are you an unpaid carer looking for free events for fun, relaxation and social connection? Until June 2022, Central Bayside Community Health will provide eligible carers with respite support, allowing them to participate in up to 20 hours of FREE respite events and activities. This support is available to unpaid carers providing informal support to […]

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Priority PCR testing for disabilty workers

20 January 2022

National Disabilty Services (NDS) have advised that disability workers identified as COVID-19 positive contacts are now in the Priority 1 group for PCR testing with results to be processed quickly.   Priority testing applies when a disability worker is a contact (regardless of whether it is a workplace, household, or social contact) or if symptomatic. This priority does not apply to surveillance […]

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Two gloved hands hold a needle in an arm.

Vaccine blitz for booster shots from 21-24 January, with more walk-up clinics available

20 January 2022

The Government have announced another vaccine blitz for Victorians from Friday 21 January to Monday 24 January at state-run clinics, to accommodate the large number of people over the age of 18 now eligible for the booster shot. Victorians over the age of 18 will now be eligible to get their vital third dose of […]

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