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Your stories are important to us and to the community. When life is great, or when life is tough, all experiences are an opportunity to share who you are and to connect with other people. By sharing our stories, we can celebrate where we are today, where we’ve come from, and inspire other people to do the same.

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A Building and grass in front.

Christmas closedown period

14 December 2021

During the Christmas period, OC Connections will have limited operations. These will be as follows: Day SupportsClose: close of business Wednesday 22 DecemberReturn to service: Monday 10 January, 2022 Community LivingContinues to operate throughout this period. Support CoordinationClose: close of business Friday 24 December,2021Return to service: Tuesday 4 January, 2022. Corporate OperationsClose down: close of […]

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School Leaver Employment Supports taking applications for 2022 intake now

14 December 2021

PLACES AVAILABLE If you need support to transition from school to employment through developing your work and independent skills and have School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) NDIS funding, you may be eligible for our Towards Employment pathway. We are taking applications to commence our 2022 intake year now. Call us today to discuss your funding […]

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Two peple walking in a shopping centre. Both are smiling. One is wearing glasses and has her hands in her pockets. The second is carrying a parcel.

Christmas support in Casey, Monash, Dandenong, Frankston and Cardinia?

13 December 2021

Are you looking for support throughout December and January?  Do you want to attend a special event or want to do a certain activity and need a support worker to assist? Do you live within Casey, Monash, Dandenong, Frankston or Cardinia? Are you 15 years and over? Do you have NDIS funding? We have staff […]

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Spreading the Christmas cheer

10 December 2021

Some of our houses have been busy preparing for the Christmas period, decorating trees. It was lovely to then receive a donation of fresh trees from our supplier, Dandenong Christmas Tree Farm this week. The farm is our usual supplier of trees for our Christmas Fundraiser. Unfortunately, with safety concerns around COVID, we have had […]

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Two gloved hands hold a needle in an arm.

Austin Hospital Low Sensory Vaccination Clinic

7 December 2021

The Austin Hospital has a low sensory vaccination clinic located in the Flanders Wing at the Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital. This clinic is designed for people with autism or ADHD, severe anxiety or phobias that would prevent them from accessing general vaccination clinics. It is open Fridays you can book an appointment by: calling the Victorian Government’s Coronavirus Hotline on ​​​​​​​1800 […]

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International Day of People with Disability – 3 December

3 December 2021

Today we celebrate International Day of People with Disability and acknowledge the 4.4 million Australians with disability. You can join the conversation this IDPwD to help raise awareness, challenge stereotypes and break down barriers.  Find out more by visiting www. People with disabilities are an important part of our society and communities, and they […]

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a wooden miniature house painted white with a yellow door, sits atop a timber laminated table.

Updated NDIS Supported Independent Living (SIL) and Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) operational guidelines

29 November 2021

The NDIS have updated the Supported Independent Living (SIL) and Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) operational guidelines. They’ve made them simpler, clearer and easy to use, giving you more information about how home and living supports are funded. They provide greater clarity about home and living supports, and what the NDIS can and can’t fund. The […]

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‘Tis the season to continue to put people first: why we won’t be selling trees again this year

25 November 2021

2021 has proven to be another extraordinary year for all of Victoria and especially our staff, participants and their families.  We’ve continued to work hard and adapt to the continual changes that COVID-19 has caused to ensure the safety of our OCC community and we will continue to do so for as long as we are faced with this virus.   Even […]

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Motivational signs at 773 a hit

22 November 2021

Walking the corridors of 773 Warrigal Road you will find some lovely motivational quotes adorning the walls with the artworks of OCC participant, Peter.  Peter is one of our prolific artists at OC Connections. These posters were produced by staff member Lyndall to help boost spirits during lockdown for those participants and staff who were on […]

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