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Day: 7 April 2022

aidan sitting at computer desk writing a new movie review

Aidan pilots new program to help reach his goals

7 April 2022

Aidan is a participant in the Day Support program at OC Connections who enthusiastically seeks opportunities that will assist him in reaching his goals. Aidan is also a member of our Participant Reference Group (PRG). As a member of the PRG he represents his day support peers by presenting and workshopping matters that impact them, […]

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Two people standing together. One is wearing glasses. The other wearing a face mask

Farewell Deb White

7 April 2022

Deb White worked at OC Connections and was a much respected member of staff. On her retirement, OCC day participant Aidan interviewed Deb on her time at OC Connections and what the future holds for her. This interview is the result of a new program whereby we engage participants as champions of OC Connections. This […]

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