Aidan pilots new program to help reach his goals

aidan sitting at computer desk writing a new movie review
aidan sitting at computer desk writing a new movie review

Aidan is a participant in the Day Support program at OC Connections who enthusiastically seeks opportunities that will assist him in reaching his goals.

Aidan is also a member of our Participant Reference Group (PRG). As a member of the PRG he represents his day support peers by presenting and workshopping matters that impact them, raising issues and reviewing requests for funding from the OC Achieve Fund. This is a fund that gives participants access to request financial support for purchasing items or services that the NDIS does not cover. He is also on the OCC participant interview team, taking part in the recruitment process of staff by interviewing them in the second round interview process and being able to ask about skills and experience that are highly relevant to participants and their needs.

A lover of all things entertainment, Aidan developed and wrote an entertainment blog, where he reviewed theatre performances and movies. We have showcased these via our newsletter and received some fabulous feedback. Aidan is hoping to recommence these blogs when he is able to return to attending live performances.

Most recently, Aidan has been working with our Marketing and Communications team on a new project where we engage participants as champions of OC Connections. This program matches participant goals with potential opportunities in our Marketing and Communications team to enable participants to reach their goals, engage in meaningful work, and provide a participant perspective to our marketing and communications.

To support Aidan with this goal, together with his speech therapist, Aidan will be interviewing OCC staff to feature in our monthly email newsletters and on our website. This is a great opportunity for us to showcase our staff from the perspective of a participant, while assisting Aidan to develop his speech and communication skills. His first feature is with long-term OC Connections support worker Deb White, on her retirement, which you can read here.

You will be able to follow Aidan’s story writing by selecting the blog tag OCC Story – Aidan.

Working with Aidan in this way is part of the OC Connections Co-achieve model. Co-achieve is our way of working with participants and those important to them on all the different areas of life that contribute to happy and healthy living. Co-achieve guides us to learn how we can support people living with disability to reach their goals, learn new skills, do new things, and decide what they want in life and how we can make it happen together.