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Day: 30 March 2022

Participant First Engagement Initiative: help shape the NDIS

30 March 2022

The Participant First Engagement Initiative helps the NDIS to connect with participants, families, carers and non-participants with disabilities to gather feedback and work together on improving the Scheme.  The NDIS want to draw on the lived experience of people with disability to help improve the NDIS for everyone. They are looking for a mix of […]

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A person wearing a high vis vest and glasses

Phillip is making an impact

30 March 2022

Phillip is a representative on OC Connections’ Staff Consultative Committee. He works in the skin pack (sealed plastic) section in the packing enterprise of OCC Enterprises as a supported employee. Phillip says he likes being able to use the machines and being part of a team while making friends at work. He also likes being part […]

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Two people standing in front of warehouse shelving.

Gary and Ian: 105 years of combined service

30 March 2022

It’s not everyday that a workplace celebrates an employee’s 50 years of service, let alone 50+ years for two employees!  But that’s exactly what OCC Enterprises (OCCE) supported employees, and brothers, Gary and Ian have achieved – over 50 years of employment at OCCE, making them our longest standing supported employees. Gary has worked with […]

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