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Your stories are important to us and to the community. When life is great, or when life is tough, all experiences are an opportunity to share who you are and to connect with other people. By sharing our stories, we can celebrate where we are today, where we’ve come from, and inspire other people to do the same.

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A meaningful career change

28 September 2021

Last year Joanne Tallis, OC Connections (OCC) Disability Support Worker watched the award-winning documentary “Leaving Allen Street”, a film documenting the journey of 30 plus intellectually disabled participants who moved from OCC’s congregate care facilities in Allen Street to new homes in the community. The film aired as part of the Melbourne Documentary Film Festival […]

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OC Connections team excel in challenging times

28 September 2021

OC Connections Team Leader Whitney has praised the Community Living team. She says the team have gone above and beyond in their commitment to building a supportive, flexible and positive environment for staff, participants and families. “Throughout the lockdown period, the team have been absolutely outstanding in all areas especially in providing support to participants […]

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Footy finals fever at the OCC houses

28 September 2021

It was footy finals fever last weekend and residents from several of the OC Connections’ (OCC) households heartily celebrated the AFL Grand Final event at home. Even though the match was held in Perth, residents were able to still celebrate in fine form. With the support of OCC Disability Support Workers, they put up colourful […]

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Vale Margaret Blanden

27 September 2021

Margaret Blanden was a long-time contributor and passionate supporter of OC Connections (OCC). Margaret has been involved in one form or another with OC Connections since 1976 when it was known as the Oakleigh Centre. In the late 1980s as the Chadstone Community Health Centre Healthcare Nurse, Margaret conducted health and fitness classes for residents.  […]

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Vaccine Insights BAnner with image of person holding arm after a vaccination and the words OC FAmily Focus Forum, Tuesday 5 OCtober, 2021

Family Focus Forum: COVID Vaccine Insights

26 September 2021

While the Government has set vaccination targets and roadmaps for the way out of lockdown to ensure our community is protected against COVID, we recognise many Victorians are still unsure about becoming vaccinated and require further clarification on the vaccines available, their side effects and benefits. To continue our commitment to help our community make […]

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Accessing health services during COVID-19 restrictions

25 September 2021

During lockdown, there are different options for accessing health services to help protect patients and health workers and stop the spread of coronavirus – this includes telehealth. Allied health professionals including psychologists, physiotherapists, podiatrists, occupational therapists, exercise physiologists, speech pathologists and dietitians are eligible to provide telehealth services. If you are unwell or need to […]

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Nicole’s concerts a hit with residents

20 September 2021

In 2020 when Victoria was in the depths of its long lockdown, OC Connections Disability Support Worker Nicole decided it was a perfect time to revisit her love of music and offered to play to her key participant Carolyn. Eager to share her passion for beautiful music with Carolyn’s housemates too, Nicole began holding regular […]

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Yellow square with black and white writing asking Are they really ok? Ask them today. RUOK. A conversation could change a life

Are you really ok?

8 September 2021

COVID has impacted so many in our community and now, more than ever, we need to ask RUOK? We encourage our community to reach out and ask the question to family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. Start the conversation that could change a life. Learn how to ask at Also, please remember, its ok to […]

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Thank you Chester

7 September 2021

Chester Au is one of OCC’s wonderful bus drivers who has changed roles as a result of the pandemic and its restrictions.  Restrictions and social distancing requirements have meant that our bus services have been put on hold.  In this time Chester has been coming on-site to clean and sanitise our high touch surfaces to […]

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