
Your stories are important to us and to the community. When life is great, or when life is tough, all experiences are an opportunity to share who you are and to connect with other people. By sharing our stories, we can celebrate where we are today, where we’ve come from, and inspire other people to do the same.

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Yellow square with black and white writing asking Are they really ok? Ask them today. RUOK. A conversation could change a life

Are you really ok?

8 September 2021

COVID has impacted so many in our community and now, more than ever, we need to ask RUOK? We encourage our community to reach out and ask the question to family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. Start the conversation that could change a life. Learn how to ask at Also, please remember, its ok to […]

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Thank you Chester

7 September 2021

Chester Au is one of OCC’s wonderful bus drivers who has changed roles as a result of the pandemic and its restrictions.  Restrictions and social distancing requirements have meant that our bus services have been put on hold.  In this time Chester has been coming on-site to clean and sanitise our high touch surfaces to […]

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Another extension to Victoria’s lockdown.

1 September 2021

The Victorian Government have advised that Victoria’s lockdown will not be lifted as planned on Thursday 2 September. An end date is yet to be announced. There will still be only five reasons to leave home: shopping for food and supplies authorised work and study care and caregiving exercise getting vaccinated Some other restrictions have […]

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A blue bottle symbol with a check and Astra Zeneca label

Updated Astra Zeneca Advice – Easy Read

31 August 2021

To help combat the spread of the new Delta strain of COVID-19, the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has changed their advice about the AstraZeneca vaccine.  Their new advice encourages people in areas with high case numbers to have their second dose earlier – after four weeks instead of 12. They are also […]

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Text that reads Who can get vaccinated against COVID-19

Vaccinations now available for all Victorians 16+

31 August 2021

Victorians aged 16 years and over are now eligible to be vaccinated. Young people aged 12 -15 years are eligible if they: have an underlying medical condition are an NDIS participant are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders There are also reserved Pfizer vaccine appointments available for the following people regardless of their age: All health care workers Public and […]

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Department of Health Webinar on COVID-19 Vaccination Program for people with disability

27 August 2021

The Department of Health recently held a webinar for people with disability and their support networks to answer questions about the COVID-19 vaccination program. A recording of the webinar and transcript is now available on the Department of Health website. You can also view vaccine information in selected languages here.

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Learning new skills with work experience

25 August 2021

Work experience is an important component of Towards Employment – OC Connections’ School Leavers Employment Supports (SLES) pathway.  It provides context, hands-on learning and a taste of different working environments for those who participate.  Just as importantly, it provides the host workplace with an insight into working with people with disability, the support required and the tasks that can […]

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NDIS participants aged 12 and over eligible for Pfizer

25 August 2021

The Australian Government Department of Health has announced that NDIS participants aged 12 and over can now receive the Pfizer vaccine (as of Wednesday 25 August, 2021). NDIS participants join the current cohort of children aged 12-15 to be prioritised for the Pfizer vaccine, including: children with specified medical conditions that increase their risk of severe […]

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Meet new Casey Hub Coordinator Lyndall Slaney

19 August 2021

Lyndall Slaney, Coordinator of our new Casey Hub, has been busy setting up the operations at its new home at The Cranbourne West Community Hub in the City of Casey. Lyndall has been recruiting staff, liaising with schools, councils, Local Area Coordinators and Support Coordinators to onboard participants. Her focus will be to provide individual […]

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