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Day: 1 March 2023

Disco fever is back

1 March 2023

After an extensive break due to the COVID-19, OC Connections is excited to welcome the return of Disco Thursdays at the Glen Waverley Community Centre! This event exists to build social connections for people with disability through the love of dance and music.  With much anticipation, we had our first Disco Night on Thursday 9th of February […]

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Beyond School and into Employment: Harry’s Story

1 March 2023

Meet Harry!    The first thing you notice about Harry when you meet him is his warm smile and his vibrant energy. Harry is twenty-one years old and is currently working as a supported employee with OC Connections Enterprises in the packing department.  Harry wasn’t always this self-assured, but since 2019 he has gone on […]

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All hands on deck for the Kinder Kits project!

1 March 2023

This year, every Victorian child starting 3-year-old kindergarten will receive a Kinder Kit. A Kinder Kit is a fun-filled box with books, toys and activities made especially for three-year-old’s to enjoy at home, engaging them in education from early in life. This means that 85,000 kinder kits needed to be assembled for this State Government […]

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Government Reviews impacting the Disability Sector

1 March 2023

A number of reviews are currently being conducted by the Government with the goal of improving the access, experience and outcomes for people with disabilities. SDA Price Review: The NDIS is conducting a SDA Pricing Review, which will “evaluate the impact of current SDA prices on supply and demand and set new SDA prices to […]

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How art can change your world: Emma and Joey’s Story

1 March 2023

When entering the art room at OC Connections, there is always a buzz of creativity, pride and confidence in the air from people who have chosen to express themselves through their art. It is wonderful to see participants engage with their peers, work on personal creative projects, and develop important life skills through their art. […]

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