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Day: 19 December 2021

Supported employment opportunities in Document Management

19 December 2021

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN WORKING IN DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT, WITH SUPPORT AND TRAINING? Document management is a way to store documents electronically through PDFs, word processing files and digital images of paper-based content.  OCC Enterprises provides document management services to a range of Melbourne based businesses, including the Department of Defence.  We require document management team members to help us scan, photocopy, file […]

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Three people raise their glass of orange juice.

A time to reflect

19 December 2021

At the end of 2020, we were looking forward to 2021 with hope that some normality would return and that we would have the opportunity to address and move on from the impacts of the pandemic.  However, COVID-19 had other plans and 2021 was another year full of challenges, changes and unexpected events. On reflection, as […]

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