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Day: 27 October 2021

Residents support 2021 Odd Socks Day

27 October 2021

OCC residents supported Odd Socks Day on October 8, an initiative from GROW Australia to raise awareness and reduce the stigma surrounding mental ill-health, while having some fun. Residents Greg, Lorraine and Debbie got involved and in the process developed new skills to create a colourful Odd Sock Day poster that displayed the household’s diverse […]

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Supporting participants to become active citizens

27 October 2021

While on his daily park walk, OCC Day Support participant, Matthew came across a misplaced trolley, which caused him some concern. Disability Support Worker Anna assisted Matthew to call the Monash City Council to make a report about the trolley. Matthew was proud of his achievement and was delighted that Simon from the Council followed […]

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Residents wrap up footy season

27 October 2021

OCC Community Living residents Carolyn, Erica, David, Greg and Vlada enjoyed a day of footy activities to celebrate the AFL Grand Final day in September. Disability Support Workers Ajia and Adriana supported the residents to create and hang some colourful footy decorations and assisted residents to prepare a footy feast for lunch as well as […]

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