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Day: 3 December 2020

warehouse supported employment worker gail in warehouse with boxes behind her

Gail’s story

3 December 2020

Meet Gail. She is a member of the dedicated and hard-working team from OC Connections Enterprises (OCCE). Gail’s role as Senior Supervisor at OCCE involves receiving stock, getting work out, dealing with customers, setting up jobs, supporting the supervisors and supported employees to assist in the completion of packing jobs. Gail has been in her […]

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CEO Christmas message

3 December 2020

As 2020 draws to a close, it seems fair to say that it has been a year like no other. With the bushfires and then the COVID-19 pandemic, the year has offered challenges that few of us saw coming. Right upfront, I would like to thank you for your support during 2020, which has helped […]

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