Josh accesses OC Connections’ supports from our Casey Disability Hub located in Cranbourne West, to participate in community activities on weekends (you can read more about this here.)
Josh recently expressed interest in joining a Men’s Shed group, so Josh’s support worker, Stuart, supported Josh in finding and signing up to a local Men’s Shed group. Josh now attends the group on a regular basis and is really enjoying himself.
In the photo above Josh is putting the finishing touches on a toolbox he built at the Men’s Shed.
The OC Connections’ Co-achieve model helps OC Connections’ staff determine how best to support Josh to reach his goals. It means we work with Josh and help him connect with his local community to learn new skills, to do new things and support him while he decides what he wants in life and how to make it happen.
For more information on our Casey Disability Hub please click on the link below.