Keeping safe at OC Connections this Winter

COVID Update heading

As we approach a new wave of COVID-19 infections in the community, it is important to ensure families, participants, staff and the community understand the current community guidelines vs disability guidelines, the support available to you during this time, the latest vaccine updates and COVID Safe practises.


With community cases of COVID-19 continuing to rise, OC Connections is strengthening its COVIDSafe practises, including the introduction of daily rapid antigen testing and wearing of face shields for staff and visitors.

Those staff who can limit their on site attendance during this time will work from home. For those staff and visitors who are required on site the following COVID Safe practices will be implemented:


  • Rapid Antigen Testing prior to entering a site (one per day)
  • Temperature checks and QR Code sign ins
  • wear N95 masks, ensuring they are worn prior to entry to site
  • wear face shields when providing supports or accessing areas that participants may access.
  • not attend more than 1 OCC site on any given day
  • work from home where able as per the Victorian government recommendation – Corporate office attendance to reduce to 25%
  • Staff working in an office or enclosed areas are to have a window open and the door open as much as possible
  • continue to notify of close contact or covid positive situations

In addition:


  • staff will avoid taking participants to busy areas and to avoid large shopping centres 
  • participants who are close contacts are to provide negative RAT results for the each day of attendance for 7 days after being advised of a close contact period otherwise, the participants will be required to stay at home

Visitors & Contractors

  • All visitors to houses and other sites must produce a negative RAT, or do a RAT prior to entry – no exceptions. This must be sighted by staff before entry can occur
  • All visitors to houses and other sites must undertake a temperature check and use the QR code prior to entry
  • All visitors must wear an N95 mask and face shields upon entry to any OCC sites where participants are present
  • Anyone not complying must meet with staff/participants outdoors
  • Staff are to escalate to their manager where a visitor or contractor is refusing to comply
  • All visitors must be limited to attending 1 OCC site on any given day – this includes maintenance contractors etc

In addition, the 4th COVID Booster dose is encouraged for anyone who is eligible to have it. You can find out more here.

You can also read all of our COVID-19 updates here.