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Some restrictions ease, but no change to OC Connections’ operations

A person wearing a face guard and mask stares into the camera. To the left is a blurred image of a person wearing PPE in the background.

On 17 February, the state government announced the easing of some restrictions from 6pm Friday 18 February, 2022. These included the removal of density requirements at hospitality and entertainment venues as well as QR code check-in requirements at retail venues, schools (including childcare and early childhood) and for employees at many workplaces.

QR code check-in and vaccination check requirements will remain in all ‘vaccinated economy’ settings such as hospitality and entertainment venues.

Requirements for hospital worker ‘bubbles’ will also be removed, but health services may still implement them at their discretion.

At this stage, there has been no changes to the way disability services operate and OC Connections will continue to operate under the recommended COVIDSafe guidelines, including following infection control guidelines and wearing facemasks, PPE, following density requirements and maintaining our operation bubbles. Staff who can work from home will continue to do so.

If you have any questions regarding our operations, you can contact us on (03) 9569 0603 or email

Read more about the latest easing of restrictions.

Read about OC Connections’ participants getting out in the community.