Last month, we shared Jarrod’s experiences as a Document Management supported employee at OCC Enterprise. We are excited to share that this month Jarrod will embark on a new employment journey in an open employment role with Bunnings.
Recently JobsBank approached OCC Enterprise about a new role for a Technical Support Officer, at Bunnings Head Office. After the initial discussions with JobsBank, OCCE conducted a call out to all supported employees for potential applicants. OCCE organised the opportunity for those interested to meet with Bunnings to learn more about the role.
When hearing about the vacant position, Jarrod knew he wanted to apply. Working in open employment is one of Jarrod’s goals. He felt the position would continue to expand on his skill set in an area that he is interested in working and allow him further career growth. Jarrod also feels that working for a company such as Bunnings would allow him to be seen as a valued member of the community.
OC Connections and OCC Enterprise staff are guided by the Co-Achieve model to support people living with disabilities to achieve their goals, great and small. Support was provided to Jarrod by OCCE during the interview process, during the exit process at OCCE and onboarding process at Bunnings.
We wish Jarrod all the best in his new career.
For more information on the current vacant positions with OCCE please click the link below.