We are excited to announce that in 2020 OC Connections will be delivering an NDIS funded School Leavers Employment Supports (SLES) pathway.
Called “Towards Employment”, the pathway will provide a suite of activities to assist school leavers with disability to gain the skills and confidence to transition to meaningful employment.
Who is it for?
Towards Employment is specially designed for Year 12 school leavers who would like to find a job. It can also be tailored for non-school leavers with a disability who have employment-related goals and NDIS funding under Finding and Keeping a Job.
How does it work?
OC Connections will work with you to develop an individual employment plan based around your employment goals, learning and support requirements. Participants progress towards employment by following a pathway to best suit their goals.
When can I start?
Intake is January and June 2020, however in some cases you may be able to commence anytime throughout the year. Towards Employment will run 3 days per week (18 hours) for 48 weeks of each year.
For more information or to apply
Contact Us on (03) 9569 0603, email or visit our Towards Employment webpage