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Gary and Ian: 105 years of combined service

Two people standing in front of warehouse shelving.

It’s not everyday that a workplace celebrates an employee’s 50 years of service, let alone 50+ years for two employees!  But that’s exactly what OCC Enterprises (OCCE) supported employees, and brothers, Gary and Ian have achieved – over 50 years of employment at OCCE, making them our longest standing supported employees.

Gary has worked with OCCE for 55 years, commencing when it was called Oakleigh Centre Industries.  He worked the centre’s enclave at Ronstan Marine, packing and assembling marine products. He then moved into the Centre Road site when Ronstan closed, where he has worked in the blister pack and skin pack areas ever since.  His favourite jobs are labelling and board work.

“Gary is very good at counting and likes checking the quality of the items he places on the boards,” says Athena Kontonis, Learning and Assessment Manager.  Gary says, “I like working on all different jobs in my area and the people I work with.”

Ian has worked in the blister pack area of OCC Enterprises for most of his time there.  He has learnt a vareity of jobs over the years. He enjoys working as part of a team and helping by opening boxes, making up cartons and getting the stock ready for his team. He also loves to make sure the flatten and load all cardboard into the compactor.

“Ian has learnt how to use the pallets, help in the canteen and just recently decided that he would like to learn how to operate some of the machines,” says Athena.

“Ian and Gary are both highly valued team members who come to work each day with a positive attitude to work and learning, and support their teams in any way they can.”

Athena Kontonis, Learning and Assessment Manager

Ian and Gary are testament that a friendly and safe environment teamed with the opportunity to continue to learn new skills make for engaged and happy long-term employment. The team at OCCE recognised the two by presenting them with milestone service awards – and what a milestone it is.

Congratulations to them both.