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Christmas support in Casey, Monash, Dandenong, Frankston and Cardinia?

Two peple walking in a shopping centre. Both are smiling. One is wearing glasses and has her hands in her pockets. The second is carrying a parcel.

Are you looking for support throughout December and January?  Do you want to attend a special event or want to do a certain activity and need a support worker to assist?

  • Do you live within Casey, Monash, Dandenong, Frankston or Cardinia?
  • Are you 15 years and over?
  • Do you have NDIS funding?

We have staff available to assist during this period and beyond. Our Casey Hub will have staff available to provide support throughout this period at times and days that are suitable to you.

We provide support across daily activities and tasks, within the home and at work. How that is offered will depend on your needs, goals and NDIS plan.

You can find out more by contacting us on 0407 438 781 or emailing us on