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Will you sign the open letter calling on our federal leaders to deliver a strong NDIS?

graphic with text that reads Sign the open letter calling on our federal leaders to deliver the strong NDIS people with disability deserve
graphic with text that reads Sign the open letter calling on our federal leaders to deliver the strong NDIS people with disability deserve

The Federal Government is insisting that they are not cutting the NDIS – but so many of us are seeing firsthand that the reality is very different.

People with disability are having their plans drastically cut, leaving them without the funding they need to build their team around them – the team that supports them to live their best life.

That’s why the Teamwork Works campaign have launched this open letter, to our leaders in Federal Parliament, calling on them to deliver the strong NDIS people with disability deserve – and they’ll be delivering it to them in Canberra.

Will you add your name to the open letter now? The more signatures we have, the more powerful it will be.