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The Metropolitan – helping our participants achieve

OC Connections were honoured once again to receive a donation from The Metropolitan Golf Club women members.  Each year, these amazing women donate proceeds to OC Connections raised through the sale of baked goods, jams, jellies and handmade crafts.

The significant donation assists us in running our annual Golf Day. Profits of our Golf Day then go towards OC Connections’ Achieve Fund, providing much needed funds to supports that are currently unfunded to help our participants reach their personal goals and aspirations.

OC Connections shares a close connection with The Metropolitan Golf Club, with the Club supporting our annual Charity Golf Day for the past 23 years.

Women’s President, Vicki Van Der Venne, Hospitality Manager, Anthony O’Brien and Club Receptionist Dayle Marshall attended OC Connections for the cheque presentation in August.  This was also an opportunity for them to view our facilities and discuss the program that the funds will support.