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Support for our housing project from The Metropolitan Golf Club

Three ladies stand together in a garden, holding a cheque.
Three ladies stand together in a garden, holding a cheque.
Sonya Evans (left) and Caroline Nicholson (right) from The Metropolitan Golf Club with Therese Desmond (centre), CEO OC Connections

The Metropolitan Golf Club is a long term supporter of OC Connections. For many years, the club and its members have provided the course for our Annual Charity Golf Day and raised funds throughout the year to contribute to our programs and projects.

We are continually grateful for this support, as it not only affords us the ability to continue to fund programs, activities and projects not funded by the NDIS, but it provides a channel through which we can continue to promote the cause of people living with a disability.

As the last two years have been extremely challenging for all organisations, it was a welcoming surprise to receive another significant donation from The Metropolitan Golf Club members at the end of January.

Women’s President, Caroline Nicholson, and Sonya Evans presented the gift to CEO, Therese Desmond on 31 January, 2022, who was blown away by the contribution.

“It has been a challenging few years for us all and so the generosity of members to gift us this amount is amazing and so appreciated, especially as Victoria was in lockdown for a large portion of the year and members did not get to see each other for much of this period,” she said.

“For the club and its members to continually place us at the forefront of their activities and plans, despite the challenges they are facing in times such as this, is humbling. It is a testament to the members and shows the great things that can be achieved when you connect with your community.”

At OC Connections we create opportunities and provide expert, empowering support for people living with disability to live the life they choose, within inclusive communities that value who they are. Community connections, such as the one we share with The Metropolitan Golf Club work together with our specialised services, progressive partnerships and processes to support OCC participants to live and contribute with confidence, fulfilment and self-determination, every day and for their futures.

This financial support from The Metropolitan Golf Club will contribute towards our new Housing Project, where we will build four new houses and refurbish four existing homes to provide improved amenities and access to housing for people with disability.

You can read more about our housing project here and here.

If you would like to help support OC Connections via donation, you can do so below.