Scott’s desire to impact change

OC Connections’ Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing Committee is committed to building a workplace that is respectful, diverse, inclusive, and healthy by helping every staff member to understand, contribute to, and maintain an environment where the dignity and uniqueness of every individual is recognised, and where we meaningfully leverage and celebrate diversity, inclusion and wellbeing in our workplace.

Representatives on the committee are from each area of the organisation, including supported employees who work in our packing, car wash and document management enterprises. So, when a callout was made for nominations for new members, supported employee, Scott, jumped at the chance to be involved.

Scott wanted to join the committee to help his colleagues at OCCE stay connected and improve wellbeing throughout the challenging impacts of COVID restrictions. He recognised a need for staff to feel supported and engaged both during and after restrictions and was very interested in helping to coordinate events to facilitate this engagement.

In receiving his nomination Hannah Isles, Committee representative and Towards Employment facilitator, noted: “Scott has captured the values of the Committee so well and I think he will be a fantastic addition and member.”

In the short time since his successful nomination Scott has already helped with organising the Biggest Morning Tea in support of the Cancer Council.

OC Connections provides opportunities for participants to be involved in decisions that impact their supports and experiences so that they can live the life they choose. Supported Employees are represented on all OC Connections Committees so that they can contribute to ensuring a diverse, inclusive and healthy work environment.

We thank Scott for his contributions so far and look forward to seeing what is next for him and the Committee.