As you may be aware, the rollout of the COVID Vaccine has been planned to occur in phases to ensure Australia’s most vulnerable receive priority attention.
As part of this plan, people and staff living in disability services accommodation that house more than one person were to receive the Vaccine as part of Phase 1a of the rollout.
Phase 1b of the rollout has also commenced. Phase 1b includes people with a disability or with age-related conditions (eg early onset dementia) attending centre-based services (eg day programs, respite care, supported employment). It also covers volunteers and staff working in disability support. People within this category are able to access the Vaccine from one of the many Vaccine hubs within Victoria and we are working with our staff to ensure they receive the Vaccine in a timely manner.
But did you know that people with disability and workers eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in Phase 1a are also able to attend a Phase 1b vaccination site to access the vaccine if they choose to do so?
As OC Connections has not been provided with a date for COVID Vaccinations as part of the Phase 1a rollout a number of medical centres are making contact with their patients and some people are electing to access the Vaccine that way.
We are therefore encouraging participants from our Accommodation, Day Support and Employment Services to obtain the free COVID Vaccination from one of the COVID Vaccine hubs. We recommend you contact your treating medical practitioner to establish if they are able to administer the Vaccine, or you can find a hub nearest to you by working through the Eligibility checker here.
If you wish to discuss this process further, please feel free to contact us on 9569 0603 or email administration@occonnections.org.