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OC Eco T-Top Bollards® at the Social Traders event

In our last blog post, OC Connection employment and enterprise arm, OCC Enterprises (OCCE) announced the launch of their OC Eco T-Top Bollards®

This month we are excited to share that in collaboration with Social Traders, an event was held on behalf of OCCE OC T-Top Bollards for their industry-wide launch. This event was a fantastic milestone as industry experts from government departments, traffic management companies and construction companies came together to witness and celebrate the success of the OC T-Top Bollards® project.

Social Traders, collectively with OCC Enterprises, also commemorated the cohesion that this project  across several social enterprises across Victoria. This project would not have been possible  without the contribution and partnerships of Latrobe Valley Enterprises, Wallara and Ability Works.  

Since the event OCC Enterprises has had multiple orders confirmed and some orders have doubled from previous clients. OCCE has also had increased interest of site visits to the warehouse to showcase sample bollards for potential new projects.

We are hoping to have OC Eco T-Top Bollards® on live project sites by early 2023 and our team of supported employees are working hard to ensure deadlines are met.

OCCE would like to thank everyone who has been involved in the development of this Australian First – a quality circular economy product.