The Achieve Fund

Empowering dreams, enabling progress!

The Achieve Fund is a charitable fund that is solely dedicated to paying for necessary items that are not covered by the NDIS. The fund allows participants to reach goals that they otherwise may not be able to with the limits of their NDIS plan.

The fund is run by participants for participants. Applications for funding are managed through our Participant committee who make the decisions about the allocation of the funding.

Over the years, the Achieve Fund has been able to help participants reach their health and fitness goals, access learning resources through technology, fund memorial services, and promote creative expression. 

Your donation to the Achieve Fund can make a real difference.

The purpose of the Achieve Fund?

Underpinned by our unique Co-Achieve Model, the goal of the Achieve Fund is to support people with disabilities to:

where your contribution goes

Giving has never been easier! Here are the ways you can contribute to OC Connections and make a meaningful impact:

Sporting Equipment

Sporting equipment so that participants learn new skills, increase their health and fitness, and build the confidence to join a local club.


Laptops and iPads to improve participants education, communication and access to learning resources such as Learn to Drive apps.

Art & Craft Supplies

Art and craft supplies and equipment to support participants with creative expression and art therapy.

Furniture & Appliances

Updating and replacing old furniture and appliances so that participants can live comfortably in their homes.

Memorial Services

Assistance in holding memorial services for loved ones and community members of those who have passed.

Christmas Celebrations

Christmas vouchers, decorations and other items so that participants can decorate their houses, enjoy gifts and share meals together.

stories of achievement

Remembering a friend...

Our supported accommodation helps people find a home, live well in their home, and form friendships.

Participants are supported to build a community in which they belong and feel safe and respected.

As a result, participants and staff become like family and so losing a housemate is like losing family. In 2022, the Achieve Fund helped residents purchase items to build a mosaic memorial plaque for a deceased resident, as well as purchase a plant for the home’s garden.

The plaque and tree is so we can have a little space in the garden to remember our friend.

Celebrating Christmas in style...

In December 2021, our  participants were able to celebrate Christmas in style with assistance from the Achieve Fund.  We were able to purchase Christmas vouchers, stockings and additional items for our houses to assist in their preparation of Christmas.

As a result, our residents were able to decorate their houses, enjoy gifts and meals together with their fellow residents and staff.

Friendship and community are a big part of life. Creating opportunities for participants to build community and celebrate big moments in life, is important to overall wellbeing and quality of life.

Christmas was so fun and nice to celebrate with friends.

Donate to the Achieve Fund | OC Connections

Donate to the Achieve Fund

The OC Connections Achieve Fund supports people with disabilities to live with dignity, empowerment and respect for their individual goals and choices. 

It unlocks opportunities and overcomes funding barriers to ensure participants can get the most out of life and thrive.

Donate today to the Achieve Fund and make a meaningful difference in the lives of people with disabilities.

staying connected