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Novovax Vaccine now available

Victorians aged 18 and over will be able to access the COVID-19 vaccine Novavax through selected state-run centres as well as GPs and pharmacies from Monday 21 February, 2022 – providing another option for the small number of Victorians still waiting for their first or second dose.

The vaccine will be available through more than 400 general practices and community pharmacies across the state, as well as the Royal Exhibition Building in Carlton, Sandown Racecourse in Springvale, Sunshine Hospital in St Albans, the former Ford factory in Geelong and the McIntosh Centre in Shepparton.

Pop-up vaccination clinics will offer the vaccine over coming weeks in parts of Melbourne where there has been strong interest in Novavax.

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation recommends the Novavax vaccine be given in two doses at least three weeks apart.

Novavax is not currently approved for use as a third dose or for children. It can be used with another approved COVID-19 vaccine as either a first or second dose.

It is one of now four vaccines approved for use in Australia – AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna being the other three available and approved vaccines.

Read more about the Novovax COVID vaccine.