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No change to disability settings post-pandemic declaration

Two people waiting for a bus. one wears a mask, while holding hte arm of the second person

From 11.59pm on Wednesday, 12 October, the pandemic declaration ended – and Victorians will no longer be required to isolate after testing positive to COVID-19, with isolation for positive cases now strongly recommended.

Requirements for close contacts like continually testing negative on a rapid antigen test will become strong recommendations – joining the strong recommendation to wear a mask indoors, which will remain in place. You can read more about these changes here.

However, COVIDSafe protocols and directives still remain in disability settings. This means that there is no change to mask wearing, vaccination requirements and testing for staff working in these settings.

OC Connections will continue to protect our vulnerable community by following the guidelines set out by the Department of Health, which include:

  • OC Connections staff who have COVID-19 will still need to isolate for 7 days and visitors who test positive cannot come on site until they produce a negative RAT.
  • OC Connections staff who have COVID-19 symptoms will be required to produce a negative RAT before attending the workplace.
  • OC Connections staff who are close contacts must report to their supervisor and follow OCC testing requirements during their 7 day close contact period.
  • OC Connections staff are still required to meet the mandatory vaccination requirements.
  • All staff and visitors are to undertake a rapid antigen test prior to entering any OCC sites.
  • N95 masks must continue to be worn by staff and visitors to OC Connections’ settings.
  • Staff will continue to ensure rooms are well ventilated.
  • OC Connections are still required to report outbreaks of COVID-19 to the Department of Health so that Local Public Health Units can provide support managing the outbreak and will continue to ask staff and families to notify us of positive cases and close contacts.

If members of our community have any questions about OC Connections COVID Safe and infection control guidelines, they should contact us on 9569 0603 or before visiting any of our venues.