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Lights, camera, action!

Last month the OC Connections Enterprises (OCCE) Car Wash team were invited to be featured in a video produced by VicRoads to support their new Social Procurement Strategy. The video focuses on VicRoads’ new partnership with OCCE and highlights the benefits of using OCCE’s car wash service.

The film crew from VicRoads directed the team to star in the production which includes footage of inside and outside car-detailing and interviews with Athena, Peter and Shirley.

The VicRoads partnership provides employment opportunities in a completely integrated environment and gives supported employees the chance to learn new skills, take on additional responsibilities and develop their careers. Research has shown that having a valued role and structured work environment is reported to have positive effects on health, mental health and self-esteem.

The OCCE car wash service works across the South East Metropolitan region, with a number of ongoing customers including City of Kingston, City of Casey, Melbourne’s Cheapest Cars – Tradies Heaven, The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Department of Education and Training. The success of this business and the quality of our service has provided us with excellent credentials resulting in ongoing sustainable growth.

We look forward to the continued growth of the OC Connections Enterprises Car wash service and the commercial and social impact it continues to deliver.

Visit VicRoads to read more about their social procurement plans

Watch the VicRoads Video below