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Jarrod makes the most of his work-life at OCC Enterprises

Jarrod has worked at OC Connections (Enterprises) as a supported employee for the past 8 years, with just over 7 of those year’s working in the facility at Oakleigh South as part of the packing team. In September 2021, Jarrod was offered a role in the new Document Management team to work on the Department of Defence contract.

As part of his role, Jarrod transfers hard copy files into electronic documents for easy archiving for the Department. He welcomed the change in roles and the new challenges working in an office environment brings.

“I’m using different skills and I’m more focused and engaged. I have an office to work in and a different team to work with.” he says.

Jarrod also likes the opportunity to be a leader in his team. “When Katrina (supervisor) steps out the team come to me with questions and for help.” He also finds that he takes more pride in his work and is committed to doing a good job, “I’m happy to work a little longer to get my work finished.” he says.

At OC Connections, we respond to people as individuals with unique needs, preferences, hopes and interests. Our services and programs have been co-designed with OCC participants and those important to them with an ongoing, open feedback process so that we can adapt support to participants’ changing needs.

We’re dedicated to bringing together meaningful opportunities and high quality support in our specialised programs, so that OCC participants can choose their preferred experiences learning new skills, engaging in safe environments, inclusion in their local communities, and fulfilling, fair and meaningful employment.

Jarrod has been supported by the team at OCCE in making his move from packing to Document Management and seeking a new employment path that suits his skills, interests and needs. As a result Jarrod’s confidence has grown and he is now re-evaluating his employment goals to consider open employment.

Jarrod’s leadership has also been recognised by his team, who have nominated him as the Document Management OH&S representative. He is responsible for evaluating the work environment for any safety hazards or issues and reporting any safety hazards or issues. “I love helping out,” he says. Co-designing effective and appropriate services and programs relies on the contribution of participants like Jarrod, and it is exciting to see the results.