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IAG volunteer at OCC Enterprises

Staff from Insurance Australia Group wearing gowns and masks at OCC Enterprises during stage 4 lockdown

Staff from Insurance Australia Group (IAG) volunteered their time at OCC Enterprises (OCCE), the social enterprise and employment arm of OC Connections on Monday 5 October.

Six staff from IAG’s Enterprise Program Management Office and the CFO Risk and Operations teams volunteered their time.

OCC Enterprises is the Social Enterprise and Employment arm of OC Connections, a disability service provider supporting adults with an intellectual disability through day support and recreation, community living and employment.

OCC Enterprise supports over 105 employees with disability in the areas of administration, packing and car washing.

As an ancillary business with a COVID Safe plan, OCCE is permitted to operate during Stage 4 lockdown and has experienced significant growth in packing orders but has had a reduced workforce during restrictions. With volunteers permitted on-site, it was a way to assist in meeting deadlines. The IAG team spent six hours at OCCE, assisting with fulfilling packing orders.

The opportunity to get some hands-on work was appealing to Kathryn Jolly, Manager, Portfolio Governance. “Chatting with the workers was also a highlight,” she said.

Kathryn said “This was the first time that the Melbourne-based team have seen each other in person since March. They all appreciated the chance to get away from their home office for a short time while contributing to an important cause and learning about employment for people with disability.”

“A volunteer opportunity like this aligns with IAG’s values and mission, to make the world a safer place,” says Anthony Haberfield, who instigated the activity.

“OCCE are providing opportunities for meaningful employment for people with disability, so they feel connected to their community, gain a sense of independence and confidence as well as reduce social isolation. By assisting OCCE in meeting orders, means we are continuing to ensure employment opportunities are available for people with a disability.” Anthony Haberfield

Thank you to the entire IAG team who volunteered:
Anthony Haberfield (Executive General Manager, EMPO, CFO Risk & Operations)
Alexis Bateman (Manager, PMO)
Val Boswell (Manager, Process Management)
Kathryn Jolly (Manager, Portfolio Governance)
Kate Maestri-Wright (Assistant to EGM)
Claire Salvas (Manager, Process, Knowledge and Digital Classification).

OC Connections has a variety of corporate volunteering opportunities suitable for individuals and groups. To find out more, contact Volunteering Coordinator, Fleur Haberfield on 0477 775 549 or email