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Free RATs for people with disability – extended until 31 December, 2022

People with disability can now get free rapid antigen tests until the end of the year

People with disability in Victoria can now get 20 free rapid antigen tests until 31 December 2022. The program, which was due to finish at the end of September, has been extended for another 3 months.

The free tests are available each time an eligible person visits a participating testing site or from a disability liaison officer. Carers can also access the tests on behalf of eligible people.

Eligible people with disability include:

  • NDIS participants
  • disability support pensioners
  • people with disability who receive a TAC benefit.

Evidence of eligibility, such as an NDIS or TAC statement, is required.

To find out which testing sites have rapid antigen tests, visit

Anyone unable to attend a participating testing site can ask a disability liaison officer for help: 

More information about disability liaison officers is available on the vaccination for people with disability or special requirements page

If you have any questions about rapid antigen testing, please call the 24/7 Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398.