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August Family Forum highlights – Supports in the home

Back by popular demand, our recent Family Focus Forum shone a spotlight on disability supports in the home with speakers from OC Connections and the Summer Foundation.

OC Connections wishes to thank Penny Stevenson and the Summer Foundation for sharing their knowledge and insights with OC Connections families. The foundation’s vision is to enable people with disability and complex support needs to live where and with whom they choose, with access to high quality housing and support options that enhance health, wellbeing and participation.

We were grateful to have Penny break down some of the complex issues surrounding Specialist Disability Accommodation and to introduce the Housing Hub which is a new way for people with disability to find suitable housing.

The Housing Hub advertises vacancies from a range of housing providers and also hosts a library of useful information about housing options and planning a move.

The night was well patronised with OC Connection’s speakers, Laurelle Edwards, Erina Hamilton and MC Vicki Hayes who responded to a number of questions to shine light on this complex area.

For more information about the Summer Foundation call 03 9894 7006 or email or use the form below.

The presenters


Vicki Hayes, GM Partnerships and Engagements OCC

OC Connection Community Living support

Laurelle Edwards, GM Independence and Community

In home support & Short Term Accommodation  at OC Connections

Erina Hamilton, Manager Community Living

What is Specialist Disability Accommodation and how do I get that in my Plan?

What is the Housing Hub and how to I use it?

Penny Stevenson, Project coordinator Summer Foundation

The topics

How in-home support can help you and your family.

How does short-term accommodation provide you with the respite you need?

Do I need Supported Independent Living (SIL)?

Do I need Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)?

How do I get Speciast Disability Accomodmation in my plan?

How do I locate Speciast Disability Accomodmation?

What is the Housing Hub and how do I use it?

Thank you to all the families who braved the last of the winter evenings to come and network and contribute to the discussions. The feedback we received was positive, stating that the information was valuable and insightful.