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An update to our operations

four people in the garden. two walking in the background while one waters a garden bed with another looking on.

The Victorian government has eased COVID restrictions and released new disability fact sheets as guidelines for the disability sector.

This means that all staff working on site at OC Connections are to continue to:

  • wear N95/ P2 masks inside and outside
  • regularly sanitise hands.
  • socially distance from others when practicable
  • QR codes are to be used for check ins
  • Ensure all visitors, including contractors, only visit as required and meet all check in requirements including evidence of COVID Vaccination, temperature checks, a single site approach with 48-hour beak between sites
  • Keep work environment tidy and ensure cleaning occurs regularly
  • Rapid Antigen Testing is to continue, according to OC Connections’ policy or as directed.

Eye protection is no longer required, unless a requirement of usual work practice.

There are still some restrictions on accessing the community and working across multiple OC Connections’ sites. Our community living houses are still only receiving a maximum of 5 visitors per day. We are also following ventilation guidelines for all of our sites.

The last few weeks have been a welcome change, with more participants and staff returning on site.  The energy is beginning to return to our offices with new and longer term staff finally able to see each other in person. However, our vigilance in adhering to these guidelines is important as we welcome more staff and participants on-site.

If you have any questions about our current operations, please call us on 9569 0603 or email