Meet Robbie. Yes, “like Robbie Williams the singer,” he says when he introduces himself with a friendly smile.

Robbie has been working as a Supported Employee at OCC Enterprises for 46 years, focusing his efforts on labelling, packing and assembling. He enjoys learning new skills and taking on new opportunities, so he has worked in many different areas and has witnessed many changes to the enterprise throughout his time.

OCC Enterprises has grown massively in the last few decades, employing more people living with disabilities, taking on larger clientele such as Crayola and the Victorian Government, and expanding into new sustainable practices including the production of our very own OC Eco T-Top Bollards.

In June, Robbie added a new OCCE award to his collection! He now, proudly, has 8 employee award certificates on the wall of his bedroom.

For Robbie, working at OCCE means financial security for his future accommodation plans, the life he’s building with his fiancé Denise, and his love for travelling the world. Earlier this year, Robbie travelled to Alaska with Leisure Options, a travel agency for people living with disabilities. He got to explore some incredible small towns built upon the water and see beautiful mountaintops of snow. His next trip will be the Greek Islands, and he’s already saving up.

Robbie loves travelling with a group, but he’s also a regular at solo travel. His extended family lives in Queensland and he’s taken flights up north to stay with them a few times. His confidence in travelling came from his parents – as a family, they would make their way around the nation together and, on the occasion, fly overseas.

In fact, many of Robbie’s hobbies came from his parents. His mother, Joan, was an avid crafter. She enjoyed all kinds of art, including knitting and papercrafts. Robbie loves to make jewellery, and he sells them in garage sales when he has excess. He’s an animal lover and spends time with the cats and dogs at the RSPCA when he can.

Robbie has many social networks incorporated into his weekly routine, including spending time with his church community, fiancé and family, and going to bingo nights with his friends from OCCE. He also has regular at-home dinners with his Specialist Disability Accommodation housemates – he likes to cook and share meals with his friends.

Over the years, Robbie has built up a very strong community around him, and he feels a sense of fulfilment when he’s giving back and supporting those around him. He’s a social butterfly and loves spending free time with his people, his jack russel BoJangle, and the many different groups within OCC.

Thank you for sitting and chatting with us, Robbie. We can’t wait to hear about your next trip!