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Support, advocacy, events and helpful resources...

Explore this page to find organisations that can provide support and advocacy for people with disabilities and the people who care for them. Keep up to date with upcoming events and seminars.

organisations & Advocacy groups

Australian Network on Disability helps organisations employ people with disability, and design their products and services for customers with disability.

Autism: What Next? is a simple but comprehensive resource to help you find out about autism.

Belonging Matters aims to inspire people with a disability to have opportunities and pathways typical of other citizens in the community.

Carers Australia works to improve the health, wellbeing, resilience and financial security of carers and to ensure that caring is a shared responsibility of family, community and government.

Disability Advocacy Network Australia is the national representative body for a network of independent disability advocacy organisations throughout Australia.

The Australian Government’s Disability Gateway has information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers, to find the support they need in Australia.

Every Australian Counts is the grassroots campaign that fought for the introduction of the NDIS – and won. We are a community working together to fight for a fair go for Australians with disability.

Inclusive Microenterprise Program for Victorians with disabilities who want to start their own business.

Housing Hub is an online community of people with disability and housing providers working together to create accessible housing options.

Inclusion Australia is the national peak body for intellectual disability. They are the trusted and authentic national voice for people with an intellectual disability and their families.

NEDA advocates federally for the human rights of people with disability, and their families, from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds.

The YCN is a nationally coordinated resource to raise young carer awareness, provide information, and direct young carers to appropriate pathways for support.

Events & Seminars

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