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ndis, quality framework & DSOA

The NDIS provides funding to assist you to achieve your goals and aspirations

The National Insurance Disability Scheme (NDIS) is Australia’s first national scheme for people living with disability to have more control over the support and care they receive. 

Funding is provided directly to the individual so that they can gain more independence, learn new skills, obtain employment and engage with the community.

about the ndis

For up to date information on the NDIS Review, read the NDIS Final Report: A guide for people with disability and their families.

Participant Information Pack

The NDIS has a Participant Information Pack that provides information on participant rights, the role of the NDIS Commission, how to choose quality and safe supports, and how to make a complaint.  

This information is available in Easy Read format, Auslan and you can request a Braille version to be posted to you.

Applying for, creating, and using your NDIS Plan

The NDIS website has valuable resources to help you apply for NDIS funding, create a funding plan, and then implement that plan. 

These documents are available for download in Easy Read format.

pricing information

  • OC Connections adopts the NDIS pricing referenced within the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits Guide, including indexing pricing to align with any changes within this guide.
  • OC Connections will apply the NDIS Temporary Transformation Payment (TTP) pricing structure whether this is relevant to the services provided.
  • OC Connections does not charge NDIS participants more for services than a non-NDIS participant without reasonable justification and consultation.

You can download the up-to-date NDIS Pricing Arrangement and Price Limits Guide by clicking below.

oc connections quality framework

Our Quality Framework underpins all OC Connections services, supports and programs. We are committed to a quality framework of best practice initiatives and continuous improvement.

To ensure best practice, OC Connections’ Quality Framework is reviewed through regular internal and external audits in which we are required to demonstrate our ability to meet set standards and legislative requirements, and show a commitment to ongoing continuous improvement. A successful external audit results in accreditation, which is regarded as one of the key benchmarks in measuring an organisation’s excellence.

OC Connections is currently accredited to the following standards:

National Standards for Disability Services (NSDS) – a set of 6 standards enabling nationally consistent quality standards for the disability services sector with a focus on human rights, person-centered approaches, and promoting choice and control by people receiving services.

Department of Human Service Standards (DHSS) – a set of 4 standards with the aim to embed and promote rights for people accessing services, ensuring that service providers are providing services that meet the needs of the participant and foster a culture of continuous quality improvement that is embedded in everyday practice.

OC Connections currently adheres to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Practice Standards

These standards specify the quality standards to be met by registered NDIS providers to provide supports and services to NDIS participants. OC Connections has completed the external audit process and has been recommended to the NDIS Commission for re-registration. 

In addition, OC Connections is committed to the NDS Zero Tolerance Framework

This framework assists disability service providers to understand, implement and improve practices which safeguard the rights of participants receiving services with the purpose of preventing abuse, neglect and violence in the community services sector.

About Disability Support for Older Australians (DSOA)

The DSOA program is an initiative dedicated to supporting older individuals with disabilities who have been recipients of specialist disability services through the Continuity of Support (CoS) Programme, but did not qualify for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Who Qualifies?

The DSOA Program exclusively caters to existing CoS clients. To meet the eligibility requirements for CoS, individuals must have been existing clients of state-administered specialist disability services when the NDIS was introduced in their region.

For those who are not existing clients but seek support, DSOA service coordinators can guide them through screening and assessment, ensuring they receive appropriate aged care supports.

To learn more about DSOA, visit their website.

staying connected


Your generosity helps to support people with disability to live the life they choose.