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Useful Information

Access links and contact details for peak disability bodies and advocacy groups, as well as details for events, seminars and books that support people with disability.

NDIS Resources

Access information and resources about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), allowing you to plan and apply for NDIS funding, as well as have your plan reviewed.

Royal Commission

Find information on the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability as well as resources for legal support, advocacy and counselling.

Annual Report

Here you can find the latest OC Connections Annual Report as well as historical reports.

OC Connections Policies

Access OC Connections Policies and Procedures including our whistleblower policy,

Research & Innovation

OC Connections is participating in a major international study looking at the quality of life of people with intellectual disability, led by Ryukoku University in Kyoto, Japan.

staying connected


Your generosity helps to support people with disability to live the life they choose.