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At the end of each month, OCC Enterprises celebrates the efforts of Supported Employees across each area of the organisation.

In June, team members were awarded certificates covering several areas of positivity including:

  • Communication,
  • Teamwork,
  • Job excellence,
  • Leadership,
  • And special contributions to OCCE.

Encouraging and uplifting our team is important. Employees are valued and appreciated for their dedication, and fostering pride within the group strengthens bonds within our community. It creates an environment where employees support each other to reach their goals and create positive examples to aim for.

A special recognition and appreciation certificate was awarded to Supported Employee Siriphong this month for handing in lost property found in a public space, including a significant amount of money wrapped in a utilities bill ready for payment. Siriphong, a Team Leader in the Skin Packing team, showed true leadership qualities in this act of kindness.

Congratulations to all who received awards and certificates in June!