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New Towards Employment initiative launched

oc connections school leaver employment support students visit a warehouse

In January, our new employment pathway, Towards Employment, commenced at Mackie Road Neighbourhood House, Mulgrave.

This pathway provides the opportunity for participants to take part in activities that build the skills and confidence to find and keep meaningful employment over a one or two year period.

To date, our group has explored safety in the workplace and at home, developed team-building skills while working in the Community Garden, started to explore the types of jobs available and how to find them and undertaken work experience at OC Connections Enterprises (OCCE).

Harry, David and Will are also developing an Individual Employment Plan under the guidance of the facilitator, Hannah Isles. This employment plan will help outline employment goals and guide the activities to be undertaken.

Hannah has been impressed with how well the group is working together over the three days.

“These young adults have already developed a strong bond, making each other accountable and looking after each other. We’ve had a chance to really focus on what each participant’s interests, needs and barriers are to finding employment and we’re looking forward to going on this pathway together,” says Hannah Isles, Towards Employment Facilitator

Steve Betinsky, General Manager, Employment and Enterprise from OCCE says “Towards Employment provides a pathway that allows participants to explore the world of work from a safe space, with the support of a disability educator, while building up the skills they need to take the next step towards employment.”

“OC Connections is well placed to assist Towards Employment participants in developing this pathway given our experience in employment for people with disability via OCC Enterprises, and we look forward to this experience benefiting our participants so they can lead full and meaningful lives.”

Towards Employment is suitable for participants aged 18 – 25 with an interest in employment.

If you are interested in finding out more about Towards Employment and the funding options to access this pathway, visit our website or call 9569 0603.