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Neighbourhood Connections

As the Oakleigh Centre’s 1 and 9 Allen Street residents prepare to transition into the community as part of the new community housing redevelopment project, many are keen to learn as much as they can about settling into new neighbourhoods.

With some residents raising concerns about feeling safe and secure in their new homes, the redevelopment’s Residents Advisory Group has taken it upon itself to put those fears at ease.

Earlier this year, the group met with Oakleigh police seeking safety advice, and to provide information about ways in which to support people with disabilities to live in the community. Recently, the group met with the Metropolitan Fire Brigade’s Julie Harris (Manager, MFB’s At Risk in the Community Resilience Department) to gain fire safety information.

As a result of that meeting, the Oakleigh fire station contacted the group with an invitation to an information session and afternoon tea.

Redevelopment Project Manager, Vicki Hayes, said the afternoon provided residents with the opportunity to ask questions about fire safety, while station staff were keen to find out about the new community houses and ways in which they could provide support to those moving into them.

“It was a wonderful afternoon that provided the opportunity to strengthen our community relationships,” 

The staff were wonderful, showing residents how quickly they prepare to attend a fire (90 seconds) and how to use fire hoses. They also allowed residents to sit in the fire trucks and hear the sirens.” Vicki Hayes

Station officer A Platoon, Paul Booth, welcomed the Oakleigh Centre team: “We had a wonderful time and got as much from the experience as the residents did. The group is welcome here at any time.”

Vicki said further information sessions were planned with fire stations located in suburbs where the community homes would be built. Fire officers would then visit before people moved to the homes to familiarise themselves with the floorplan and who would be living there.

“Good on you Colin, what a fantastic photo – that sums up the whole experience for all of us.”

Station Officer Paul Booth | A Platoon