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Life according to Sam

Sam sitting in the ocean enjoying the water and sun at the beach

Sam is a young man with a great sense of humour, a cheeky smile and loves quoting from Monty Python.

He is affectionate and when he is at OC Connections (OCC), he says hello to everyone he knows. He has developed a great friendship with another participant, David, who he talks and jokes around with. Sam has an excellent knowledge of cars. While stopped at traffic lights, he is able to name the type of car next to him.

Sam also has very complex needs. Before COVID, Sam didn’t overly engage in activities at OCC. However, he has thrived during these unsettled times.

Because he has been able to receive 2:1 funding, Sam has participated in meaningful activities in the community. In a short time, he has adjusted to being out for the entire day.

One of Sam’s goals is to widen the variety of locations that he visits to build on his flexible thinking and resilience to change.

Sam enjoys visiting local parks and lakes including Jells Park, Karkarook Park, Wattle Park, Blackburn Park, Dorset Park and Ringwood Lake.

He recently visited Karkarook Park where he walked around the entire lake. With the support of staff, he later headed to Mordialloc Beach where he had an incredible swim which was a mammoth achievement for Sam. His family haven’t been able to take him swimming at the beach for years!

After their breakthrough at the beach, they headed to Grange Park for lunch. With Sam still keen to explore more, they headed to Wattle Park for another walk before heading to Blackburn Lake for a final short walk for the day.

Overall, staff felt that Sam’s day out was a considerable achievement and a day of tremendous personal growth. We’ve shared some photos from the day below.

The OC Connections Day Support program offers the opportunity for individuals to pursue activities that focus on everyday life skills, like cooking, getting fit, developing skills to access the community and explore favourite hobbies. Read more on our website here.