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Five, six, seven, eight.

Dance is an activity for all to enjoy, whether it’s moving to the beat or just listening to the music. This activity allows for self-expression and creativity through the music, while learning new ways to move, practice listening and following direction. It’s also a great social interaction for those who take part.    

Dance class is one of the many activities OC Connections participants can enjoy as part of our My Days program. In recent weeks Bethany, Craig, Jonathan, Shirley and Ashleigh have been working hard on a new dance routine with Disability Support Workers, Chamal, Rhiannon and Veta. Rhiannon demonstrates the movements and then encourages the group to follow along in their own way.

The wonderful thing about dance is that it is a free self-expression tool and is open to interpretation, meaning it doesn’t need to look the same to everyone. Dance encourages individualism and personality to shine through during the class The group has been rehearsing every week and the routine is really coming together.  

Dance performance is offered in a fun and safe environment, where participants learn from one another and offer support and encouragement to each other. The activity promotes health and fitness, coordination, social interaction and fun through dance. OC Connections is a place where the participants are supported to create an enjoyable life, meet new people and do new things.