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Damian Cox joins Community Living Team

We are delighted to introduce you to Damian Cox, Manager, Community Living at OC Connections.

Damian is responsible for leading the day-to-day operations of the Community Living department. Community Living provides support to participants with a disability in Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), Short Term Accommodation (STA), Supported Independent Living (SIL), and in-home support.

Damian has worked in the disability industry for more than 12 years and brings some solid qualifications to the role including Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management, Advanced Diploma of Disability Services, CERT IV Government Investigations and Cert III Aged Care.

Damian has hit the ground running at OCC and has big plans. He is passionate about empowering his team to deliver high-quality care and supporting participants to achieve their goals. He plans to make his mark on the role by focusing on participant goals and ambitions and is already working to identify ways he can share his skills and experiences with other departments.

I’m a lead by example manager and want to give my team full support. I have an open-door policy and will never turn anyone away. If I can’t directly help someone with a problem, I will say “Sorry I can’t help you but let’s see what we can do together to resolve the problem”.

Damian is particularly looking forward to assisting his team to effectively navigate the NDIS to achieve the best outcome for Community Living participants.

Damian started his career working as an aged care assistant. He transitioned to the disability sector with the desire to support a person with a disability and to help them achieve their goals and ambitions.

His passion was to move to a management position where he could deliver person-centred support and mentor the next generation of leaders.

We love that Damian is a procedure and process guy. He says he is pedantic about documentation requirements with a strong focus on medication administration and management. He also admits to being a clean freak and likes everything in its place.

Damian came to OC Connections knowing about the organisation’s excellent reputation. He felt welcomed and impressed that one of the participants was involved in his interview process.

While professional, super driven and passionate about his job, Damian also has a fun side. He adores his dogs and cats, pottering in the garden, listening to a diverse array of music genres and loves to travel! He and his partner have travelled widely throughout Europe and the United States.