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COVID-19 vaccines for people with disability

People with disability and disability workers are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. With Some people with disability at greater risk of becoming very sick if they catch COVID-19, getting vaccinated is very important.

OC Connections strongly encourages all employees, participants and their families to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine.

People with disability who are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine include:

  • all NDIS participants aged 16 years and over
  • people with disability with:
    • an underlying medical condition
    • significant disability
    • attending centre-based services such as day programs, respite care and supported employment.

You can check your eligibility on the COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility Checker and also check your state/territory health department’s website for any additional eligibility requirements.

If you are a disability worker, you can find out more about the vaccine program for you, learn which vaccine you will receive, where you can get your vaccine, how to book your vaccination appointment and implications for choosing not to be vaccinated on the Australian Government’s COVID-19 vaccine information for disability workers website.